HOW TO LOWER YOUR TAXES  Click to open call me page

When calling, please reference Service ID JG6482

Whatever you need, current, amended or even back taxes.. we are the best solution!

We specialize in finding legal deductions and loopholes for which others don't even bother to search!

Simply Put...  You Are Probably Paying Too Much Taxes!

Important!  How ObamaCare still impacts your tax liability  Click Here!

Toll Free 877 604 6636 Ext 3  For a FREE CONSULTATION

When calling, please reference Service ID JG6482

Every year, millions of people all over the country pay too much in taxes.  Ironically, this is often the result of avoiding declaring income, in an attempt to pay less taxes... 

 Amazing but True!

Often times it makes more Cents and Dollars to declare More Income!

  How is this possible?  The simple application of the principles we show below can...

How We Save You hundreds-- Often Even THOUSANDS!

True Story- How ASN turned an H&R Block $63 refund into $1,800 click here.

        * Why claiming income, can reduce your tax obligations  click here.

        * Legal Tax Deductions you are probably missing             click here.

        * How personal shopping can LOWER your taxes and INCREASE your Refund!  click here.

  • Have you already prepared your taxes but didn't like the result?  click here.

  • Do you have Tax Years that you didn't file because you think you will owe?  click here

  • Do you actually OWE back taxes you DID file?  We can often make them disappear!...

     * Back taxes are often dischargeable in bankruptcy.  Call us 877 604 6636 Ext 3  for a no cost consultation.  For information on what BANKRUPTCY can and can't do for you.  click here.

Real Life Examples of What We Do for Our Clients.

We don't do anything that other companies can't do... We just take the time to do it right!

Alta W-

According to her usual preparer, she owed $2,123

After ASN had completed it, she owed only $299

Ken S-

According to his well known preparer, refund $63

After ASN had completed it, refund $1,823

Steven C-

According to a well known preparer, refund $2,1013

After ASN had completed it, refund $4,921

Denise N-

According to a well known preparer, refund $1,603

After ASN had completed it, refund $3,821

Obviously, these results are not accomplished every time.  Each situation is different.  However, due to the all inclusive approach we take, they are not unusual. 

The difference is we take the time to get it right.

ASN Better Results...  Lower Fees

A reference point from past clients

H&R Block soaked me for $648.00. I am self employed and there were a few paperless forms involved. I asked them how much it would be up front. They told me it is by the form. So when we were done, the bill was $648.00. I made $19k last year. It took them less than an hour and I too was very organized. After I got the bill I asked them for their ala carte menu of forms and they would not give me one. I feel ripped off...What can I do? I don't mind paying them, but $648.00?

Our fees for this return- $300

My CPA charged me $2,000 for my return. It was a schedule C , Schedule F, Sch A,Sch B, Sch E (rental) Form 4136, Sch D Cap Gains,(2) Form 4562's and a Depreciation Schedule that had 15 items on it.

Our fees for this return- $450

Why Claiming More Income Will Often LOWER Your Tax Bill

In order to avoid paying taxes on it, many people "forget" to declare the $500, $1,000, or $2,000 they made on the side.  What they often don't realize is that in earning that money, they incurred huge potential LEGAL write-offs.  Deductions  that would not only completely offset the income earned, but actually reduce their overall taxable income from employment.  

That means, less taxes that you pay... or higher refunds that you receive!


and if you are in business-- you have write-offs... 

Here are some examples of deductions you may be missing...

It is almost certain that your are neglecting to take advantage of many Tax-Write offs that you have available:

  • Do you own a business? If you are an ASN member, you have MANY legitimate tax write offs.

  • Do you have a hobby from which you sometimes make sales? You have additional deductions.

  • Do you occasionally help others for "Beer Money", You have even more write offs!

Tax Precept: 

Generally, all expenses incurred in the maintaining or expanding of any endeavor intended to make money or increase personal assets are deemed as tax deductible and can be used to lower your overall tax liability. 


*  Assume you are in the 20% tax bracket.

*  That means that every $100 of business deductions, saves you $20 in taxes or increases your refund by $20.

*  Assume you purchased a $5,000 computer for your hobby that provides some income.

            Your tax liability goes down by $1,000 and Your refund increases by $1,000.

*  Assume you frequently go out to eat with your business partner (wife) weekly and discuss your hobby/business.  Those meals are deductible!

*  Have a cell phone to contact your customers; for them to contact you?  Totally deductible.


Obviously, different businesses lend themselves to different business deductions.  The information below will provide a general overview.  However...

If you are a working ASN member... every single one of these deductions are legally available to you.

Cell phones, meals, travel, mileage, internet access, software, computers, clothes, portion of your home mortgage or rent, etc... 

*Note: The following is not to be construed as legal advice.  But rather, a general overview of tax advantages that are often available but missed.


 1.   HOME.  Your home (whether you own or rent), is usually your place of business.  Are you using your living room to hold business meetings;  do you have a spare room for an office or supplies? Do you make coffee for your clients?  Do you have a place in the home that you store your tools of trade?  Since you are allowed tax deductions for the upkeep of your place of business, you are allowed deductions for maintaining your place of residence.

  •  1.  If you own your own home, you have the right to depreciate a percentage of the home's total square footage depending on the percentage of your home that is used exclusively for your business.   

  •  2.  If you rent, you are paying not only for living quarters, but for rental on your place of business, as well.  You may therefore be entitled to write off a substantial portion of your monthly rent as a business expense.  Example:  You rent your home for $1500 per month, assume one third of your home is used exclusively for business means that 33% of it or $500 per month could be tax deductible.  300 x 12 = $3600 allowable income tax deduction.

 2.   AUTO.  Any driving which takes you to or from any place in which you have performed or intended to perform some action or actions which in some way directly effects your business, is allowed as a mileage deduction.

 Let's say the allowable mileage deduction for the year of filing is 57.5 cents per mile.  (this figure is accurate for tax year 2015)  If during the year you drove 10,000 business miles, your allowable mileage deduction would be 10,000 mi. x 57.5 cents = $5,750, that is taken right off the top of your taxable income.  What's this mean?

It means your refund is larger or your liability is smaller!


             Some examples of allowable mileage deductions:

            a. Driving to and/or from a meeting with customers or partners. (Your spouse, is usually your partner).

            b. Driving any place in which you will attempt to meet new customers. 

                (parties or other gatherings).

            d. Any driving done in which you will subsequently attempt to make 

               retail sales, deliver merchandise or meet new possible customers.

Another option is to lease a car for your business purposes.  If this is done, virtually every cent invested into the auto will be tax deductible.  (monthly payments, repairs, etc. )

 3.   BUSINESS MEALS- even alcohol! Any time that you dine in any restaurant or other such establishment, it can be considered a business meal and therefore tax deductible if you were networking for new customers or associates or in the company of a prospective  or current customer or business associate (If an "active" ASN member, your spouse is a business associate); and if during the course of the meal, some aspect of the business was discussed the said meals and refreshments are deductible. Do you spend time at nightclubs, trying to  sponsor new members???  Keep the receipts!  This also deductible.

  4.  NORMAL UTILITIES  Do you have utilities, electricity, gas, house phone, cell phones, internet access, etc.  They are important to your business so if you use a portion of your home for business purposes, they are deductible. 

 5. NORMAL SHOPPING Tax Deductions If you are an ASN member, your legitimate deductions are unequalled... as you know, there is virtually nothing that your business does not provide.  As a working ASN member, your normal purchases are deductible!  Why?  Because when you make normal purchases from your site, under the US tax code they can be considered as Business Gifts, advertising and promotional samples! 

   Do your school shopping, birthdays, Christmas, etc... from your amazon, target, best buy, walmart, etc link or banner...  not only do you get paid because the purchase was made from your site... by simply telling someone about it, show the item... It becomes a tax deduction!  Christmas shopping, Valentine's day, birthdays, etc...?  You not only earn from your shopping, every item, every gift is a tax deduction!

A simple example of your TAX Savings:

If you are in the 20% tax bracket, every $100 you spend from your site, saves you $20 in taxes! 

In  the 30% bracket? Each $100 saves you $30 in taxes!

That means by using your site, either your IRS payment goes down... or your refund goes up!

  When possible (which is almost always- see a few of your ASN partners), shop at your ASN site... Purchase from the same companies, get the same products, prices, coupons, etc...  The only thing you change is that you make the purchase from Your site....   $1,000 in normal purchases saves you $200 to $300 in taxes... and that's over and above your normal savings and remember, you also paid for your purchases! 

Why would anyone shop anywhere but their own site?


 6. TRAVEL EXPENSES- deduct your vacations!  Virtually all expenses incurred during the course of traveling with the purpose of maintaining or expanding your business are tax deductible.  For example: Let us say you live in California and for the purpose of expanding your business or meeting with prospective customers or partners, you decide to spend two weeks in Florida. 

You would fly to Florida and secure your accommodations.  In the course of your stay you would, of course, make several attempts to expand your customer base, network for building your business, find investment properties, etc...  At the end of your two weeks, you fly home, and virtually all expenses incurred will have been deductible.  (air fare, hotel expenses, meals, etc.)


Would you like to increase

your refund by $1,700?

Following is a true story of how we used these principles for a friend.

To keep from getting bored, as one of my hobbies, I'm a professional musician.  Well, one evening at band practice, my bass player commented that he was mad because he had just gotten his tax returns back from his preparer (H&R Block).  According to their calculations, he had a $63 dollar refund coming.

 I was very familiar with his financial situation and told him that simply was not right.  I asked him how he had handled his band income.  He, like so many others, had not reported the income thinking that this would reduce his tax liability.

 I suggested that he allow me to redo his taxes, add the income, but also take advantage of what I knew were the many legal deductions he was allowed.  I used the tax principles alluded to on this page, plus write-offs for equipment he had purchased.  When all the dust had cleared, his refund was almost $1,800 dollars. 

Other examples of where these principles comes into play...

    Think of hobbies or even favors, that produce income or compensation, no matter how little.  Remember, often, there are many legal deductions, that will let you not only zero out that income, but create a loss that will offset your employment income.   This lessens your overall Net Income, so as to reduce your tax liability which increases your refund or your earned income credits. In short, these principles keep or better yet, put money in your pocket.

a.  Other examples: sewing, handyman, mechanic, musician, babysitting, cooking for others, animal breeding (you don't need license to take the deductions), (we actually once created a legitimate $5,000 loss for someone who bred snakes for fun), it increased his refund by over $1,000!). The examples are almost endless.

Remember, when it comes to taxes, examine ALL angles  Don't cheat.  Don't lie.  But, don't needlessly give your money away!  When you have your taxes prepared, make certain that you use a professional who will ask you the questions that will allow you to minimize your liability and maximize your refund. 


Is it possible that you pay too much taxes? 

Are you missing loopholes and deductions that let you keep more of your money? 

If there is any possibility that you are or have given the government

more than its fair share of your money?--

You owe it to yourself and your family to find out!

Toll Free 877 604 6636 Ext 3  For a FREE CONSULTATION

Please, when calling reference Service ID JG6482


If you have any questions, please call us, Toll Free at

877 604 6636 Ext 3  or email to

When calling, please reference Service ID JG6482


We normally take a $25 deposit.  However, due to the unusual circumstances our country and world is facing the deposit is no longer required.  Simply Download our intake form and fax to us as shown below. 

Deposit No Longer Required.
Click for Deposit Method


Download the intake form.

Then on the second page of the Intake form enter

Your Service ID Code JG6482

Provide the requested information on the form and

FAX it Toll Free to:

1-877 604 6636     

ASN Tax Intake Information Form

Or simply email us at
 And we'll email you the intake for in
simple pdf format.



If you desire a professional who is dedicated to finding the legitimate deductions and write offs that most preparers just don't look for, call us

Toll Free 877 604 6636 Ext 3  For a FREE CONSULTATION

Please, when calling reference Service ID JG6482

Our goal is to maximize your tax position.  Whether you utilize our services, or simply take advantage of the information we provide.  Our goal is to help you keep more of YOUR money. 

  • Our Fees- click here.

  • Already prepared your taxes but didn't like the result?  click here.

  • Have back taxes?  Taxes you are avoiding because you think you owe?  click here.

    Did you know, back taxes are often dischargeable in bankruptcy?  click here.

Toll Free 877 604 6636 Ext 3  For a FREE CONSULTATION

Please, when calling reference Service ID JG6482


We are committed to legally doing, all in our power to minimizing any tax obligations that you my have and/or maximizing any refunds, to which you may be entitled.  

Have you ever been told "You Owe. . ."?

Unlike other companies that simply take the information you provide and then let the chips fall where they may, we fight for you. 

First, we take the information you provide, then do a first pass to get a feel for the lay of the land as to what we can and can't do.  Then...


Second, Only after that first pass, do we really we go to work.  We then analyze it to find the most beneficial way to structure your information to optimize the ultimate outcome of your return.

A simple example of some of our methods:

Many deductions can lawfully be taken as either a personal itemized deduction or as a business deduction.  (even if you didn't actually consider yourself in business).  Depending on your situation, whether you choose to use it as a personal deduction or a business deduction can mean the difference between hundreds of dollars in additional tax liability or hundreds added to your refund.

We don't do anything that other preparers Can't do...

We just do more than they WILL do. 

With most companies, whether you have no refund or even owe money, they are done!  No matter how the chips fall, you are simply told you "owe what you owe". (You may have experienced this).  That is not how we work. 

We are committed to maximizing your refund, minimizing any tax liability and helping you keep all that's yours.


Obviously, until we've seen your complete situation, we can't give an exact quote.  If you have one job and no home, the effort (and fees), required to maximize your situation is obviously much less than if you had 3 jobs, 2 businesses and 4 houses...  

However, 99% of our returns are between $50 and $350

What other companies routinely charge you $700 or more to do, we will do for about $350, and we guarantee you will have a better result! 

We are committed to getting you the best result at the lowest cost.

Our Fees-

Until we see the details of your unique situation, an exact estimate is not possible, however, the below are close approximations.

Federal taxes are a minimum of $50 per year for a simple W-2 with no itemizations

 Maximum of about $250 to $300 for federal returns requiring  Schedule C's and/or Depreciation schedules. 


If you have any questions, please call us, Toll Free at

877 604 6636 Ext 3  or email to

When calling, please reference Service ID JG6482


We normally take a $25 deposit.  However, due to the unusual circumstances our country and world is facing the deposit is no longer required.  Simply Download our intake form and fax to us as shown below. 

Deposit No Longer Required.
Click for Deposit Method


Download the intake form.

Then on the second page of the Intake form enter

Your Service ID Code JG6482

Provide the requested information on the form and

FAX it Toll Free to:

1-877 604 6636     

ASN Tax Intake Information Form

Or simply email us at
 And we'll email you the intake for in
simple pdf format.

If yours is a simple federal return example:

No schedule C's, depreciation schedules, only one or two W-2s, etc...  you only owe $25 - $50 and you are paid in full. 

If your return a bit more involved? example: 

If your federal taxes require one or more Schedule C's, 1099's, and/or Depreciation schedules.  We then evaluate your entire situation and give you a firm quote. 

However, only in extreme circumstances, will your fees ever be in excess of about

$250 to $350.

If you are not happy with the the quote, your deposit is immediately refunded.

A simple of example of what we do that

 no other company will take the time to tell you...

For example...

Are you an active member of ASN?  Yes?...

  • Your internet is deductible!

  • Purchases from your ASN site, are "samples" thus deductible!!

  • Have a cell phone? Do you talk about business?  It's deductible!

  • Are you married? Your wife is your partner, dinners are business meals and deductible

  • Did you buy a computer this year?  It's deductible!

  • Do you pay rent?  Pay a mortgage?  Up to a third or even more of your rent or interest is legally tax deductible!

This is but a small sample of how we go the extra mile looking for the extra items puts or keeps money in your pocket!

And if you have any type of side job, the same applies for you!


Let us take a look at them.

If we can't legally decrease your Federal liability, or increase your refund by, at least, Twice the amount of our fees (usually $100 to $300), it's FREE. 

We won't charge you!

That is how confident we are of saving you money.

We have scores of clients that didn't file because they thought they owed.  After we were done, taking advantage of deductions they didn't even realize they had... they found they had Refunds or NO LIABILITY!

Without knowing your complete situation we, of course, can't guarantee that this will be the result of your situation.  But we CAN GUARANTEE that it's not as bad as you think!

Did you know that often, Back Taxes were dischargeable in Bankruptcy?

See Bankruptcy

Call US Toll Free 877 604 6636 Extension 3  For a FREE CONSULTATION

Please, when calling reference Service ID JG6482

Whether You Utilize Our Services, or File on Your Own...

Be certain to take advantage of the concepts we've provided.  They absolutely work and will lower your tax liability.

Here's an example of how I used the aforementioned principles

for a friend of mine...

To keep me from getting bored, on weekends, I'm a professional musician.  Well, one evening at band practice a couple of years ago.  My bass player commented that he was mad because he had just gotten his tax returns back from H&R Block.   According to their calculations, he had a $63 dollar refund coming.


I was very familiar with his financial situation and told him that simply was not right.  I asked him how he had handled his band income.  He, like so many others, had not reported the income thinking that this would reduce his tax liability.

I suggested that he allow me to redo his taxes, add the income, but also take advantage of what I knew were deductions that he had available from this business.   I used the tax principles alluded to in this article, plus write-offs for equipment he had purchased.  When all the dust had cleared, his refund was almost $1,800 dollars. 


Remember, when it comes to taxes, examine ALL angles  Don't cheat.  Don't lie.  But, don't needlessly give your money away!  When you have your taxes prepared, make certain that you use a professional who will ask you the questions that will allow you to minimize your liability.


Is it possible that you've been paying too much in taxes?  Are you missing some of the loop holes that could allow you to keep more of your money?  If you are concerned that you are or have given the government more than its fair share of your money-- Feel free to call for a free consultation.

Toll Free 877 604 6636 Extension 3

Please, when calling reference Service ID JG6482

 Do you have a business and not even know it?  Are you a mechanic?  Cake decorator?  If not, you may want to consider starting a business.  Worst case scenario, it can minimize your tax liability; best case, you might get rich!  Looking for a potential business?  Click here for ideas to increase your income.

How Obama Care Can Impact Your Tax Liability

Due to the Affordable Health Care Act, the details of your health insurance, or lack thereof, can still have a huge impact on your tax liability or refund.

Remember, the AHCA provides not only insurance subsidies that can impact your final refund or liabiliy.

Our goal is always to insure you get the best outcome possible.  In keeping with this objective we ask that if you received the "Health Insurance Marketplace Statement" (Form 1095-A), be certain you provide it to us or whichever tax preparer you choose.

The degree to which this information can interact with your normal tax data to positively or negatively impact your end result can be substantial.

If you did not receive Form 1095-A, please provide as much information as possible regarding any health insurance you may have had, payment amounts for the year, co-pays, etc. It's not as impactful as it had been in the past, but still must be taken into account.

I can't over emphasize the importance of making this information available.


With one our clients, after having inputted all information as it was provided to us, the original outcome was a tax liability of $186.

   Thereafter, we did a new tax analysis with the sole purpose of focusing on deductions and allowances that specifically impact AHCA insurance subsidies. The extra examination resulted in a profound improvement of our client's situation.  Instead of a $186 liability, the were owed a refund of a bit over $2,000.

Remember, no matter who use for your tax services, the more information you provide them, the more tools they have to fight for you!